
Fundraising Secrets

The ULTIMATE Blueprint to Building Lucrative Fundraisers

This Underground Playbook reveals so many things that you have no clue you could do to fundraising to upsurge your profits:

✓ Building Your Dream Team

✓ Creating a Drama-Free Timeline & Crush Deadlines

✓ Sponsorship Proposal Secrets

✓ Creating an Irresistible Invitation

✓ Thank Your Community

My Favorite Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Are you an entrepreneur who needs inspiration?

Do you rely on your own motivation or do you find it in the words of others?

Entrepreneur’s are game changers. They see opportunity and they grab it with both hands, knowing that they can make something from little more than an idea. But what happens when the day comes that you’ve run out, or you feel like you’ve failed and can’t go on?

Those days happen to us all. They blacken our mood and allow the negative thought to seep in. But, in My Favorite Quotes For Entrepreneurs: Your Interactive Guide to Inspiration and Empowerment, you can find the words to lift you out of your stagnation’s, with quotes from successful people like:

 ✔ Mother Teresa

✔ Richard Branson

✔ Jim Rohn

✔ Russell Brunson

✔ Alex Charfen

✔ Jeff Bezos

✔ Buddha

✔ Eleanor Roosevelt

✔ Napoleon Hill

✔ And many more…

With pages of sublime inspiration and ‘light bulb’ moments of absolute clarity, you can rid yourself of the negative thoughts that are holding you back and forge ahead to even greater success.

A great read for a lunch hour, a few minutes or even just a snatched moment.

When you need them most, they will serve you best.

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